SRA Statement of Solicitor Competence C

C. Working with other people

  • Communicate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing, including

a) Ensuring that communication achieves its intended objective

b) Responding to and addressing individual characteristics effectively and sensitively

c) Using the most appropriate method and style of communication for the situation and the recipient(s)

d) Using clear, succinct and accurate language avoiding unnecessary technical terms

e) Using formalities appropriate to the context and purpose of the communication

f) Maintaining the confidentiality and security of communications

g) Imparting any difficult or unwelcome news clearly and sensitively

  • Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with clients, including

a) Treating clients with courtesy and respect

b) Providing information in a way that clients can understand, taking into account their personal circumstances and any particular vulnerability

c) Understanding and responding effectively to clients’ particular needs, objectives, priorities and constraints

d) Identifying and taking reasonable steps to meet the particular service needs of all clients including those in vulnerable circumstances

e) Identifying possible courses of action and their consequences and assisting clients in reaching a decision

f) Managing clients’ expectations regarding options, the range of possible outcomes, risk and timescales

g) Agreeing the services that are being provided and a clear basis for charging

h) Explaining the ethical framework within which the solicitor works

i) Informing clients in a timely way of key facts and issues including risks, progress towards objectives, and costs

j) Responding appropriately to clients' concerns and complaints

  • Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with other people, including

a) Treating others with courtesy and respect

b) Delegating tasks when appropriate to do so

c) Supervising the work of others effectively

d) Keeping colleagues informed of progress of work, including any risks or problems

e) Acknowledging and engaging with others’ expertise when appropriate

f) Being supportive of colleagues and offering advice and assistance when required

g) Being clear about expectations

h) Identifying, selecting and, where appropriate, managing external experts or consultants